Monday, October 27, 2008

Today was a great day!

Today was such a fun day! I went to bed early last night and woke up around 10 this morning. It was nice going to bed early.
My husband fixed us all breakfast. Waffles, scrambled eggs and bacon. Breakfast is probably my favorite meal.
After a while I laid down on my son's bed and me and him watched football. I ended up falling asleep but not until we saw MY Cowboys win!
My husband fixed us a turkey dinner tonight. After we ate we all sat around the dinner table and talked about ideas in improving our financial situation. We also talked about how we could improve our clutter and messy home. Our home looks great when we clean and straighten it.
Later on we all played a card game called BS. It is so fun. We laughed so much! It was a great day!
I am now heading off to bed before it is 130 am. This is still earlier than my usual. I usually go to bed around 3 am. I am going to change that. 3 am is way too late!
I hope we can straighten and clean the house tomorrow. I am going to accomplish a few things tomorrow.

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