Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Let's Say Thanks to our Troops

I found a web site where you can send a premade post card to our troops.
Pretty cool.
The web site is

question of the day

What is the most important thing to you?

Friday, November 7, 2008

No Computer...No Cable

Our family is unable to afford the internet and cable tv this month. It was turned off. We have had to come to the library to get on the internet. We aren't able to watch all the different channels on cable or recorded programs. It has really been a change for our family. It has only been since Monday or Tuesday. Me and Timmy were talking about it last night. We both feel it has been a good thing. We are spending more time together. We aren't being ornery or short with each other. Yesterday Timmy, Nic and Ash played Rummikub for hours. Today we are going to do laundry, clean and watch movies and play games.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

The Presidential Election 2008-A Very Historical Day

I want to talk a little bit about the election of 2008. My daughters that are 24 and 20 are very passionate about this election. They did alot of research on the candidates and their policies so they could make an informed decision. They also shared that information with their younger brother. They included him on the discussions. He is very informed on what the whole thing was about. I am very proud of them for taking such a huge interest in this election. It was a very historical moment in history. They want to change the world. They want to make the world a better place. I am very appreciative and impressed that they included their younger brother in all of these discussions. He watched the coverage all day on election day. He was very interested. My daughters worked at the election polls downtown. They were very much involved in this historical moment. I am very proud of my kids!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Angels Instead

I found a new song that I just love. It's sung by Robbie Williams. The song is called Angels. I just love it. I could listen to it over and over. I am listening to it so much that I am annoying my kids. But you know...when you find that song that you just love and it makes you feel good. It pops in my head right after I get up.

Friends are the best

I just wanted to say a few more things about friends. I haven't really ever had friends. I had a best friend in high school. Notice how I said a best friend which means one. I had a few other friends, only one best friend. She moved away to another town that is about 3 hours from here. She has a big house, what looks like to be she is very financially set, runs her own company or her husbands, and we just stopped being in touch much or having anything in common. I have had a few friends through the years at jobs. Just like I do now. But when you change jobs I thinks it's pretty normal to lose contact with each other or to make time for each other. I have never really had a good friend in my ward. I never feel adequate enough. Like they are just being 'nice' to me. They don't really want me to sit by them in Relief Society. To keep good friends everyone needs to make a good effort on seeing each other or talking to each other on the phone. It's easy to get too busy or so we think we are. Or we don't know what to talk about anymore. We might not have too many things in common. I have some really good friends at work. I love them so much. I was really down about a week ago and when I walked into work and saw my friends I just cried on their shoulders. I feel I am good at letting friends talk to me about their problems and I try to support them. It's hard for me to really believe they want to hear about my problems though. I am very insecure about myself. My really good friend, Windi is coming over tomorrow and she is going to fix us breakfast, take me to pay the dentist and then I am going to hang out with her while she does meals on wheels. I am hoping that doing things with my friends and getting out of the house, out of my rut it will help my downness. If I wait until my house is totally perfect and clean and organized and I have watched all my shows that I have recorded or being on the internet I will never do anything with friends. Friends need to be squeezed in! It's good for the soul.