Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Friends is another blessing that God has given us. I love my friends. I went to lunch with a girlfriend today and we had a good talk about life. She is a very organized and stay busy type of person. I am totally not that way but would like to change. It was nice getting out of the house and having a conversation and really good tomato bisque soup and pineapple gelato. It was the best tomato soup I have ever had. And the pineapple gelato was yummy. I realized today that I should get together with friends alot more often than I do. It might take a little bit of effort to get ready and to actually allow myself to do something besides the norm, which is working and sleeping. I am crawling out of my hole, pebble by pebble.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Today was a great day!

Today was such a fun day! I went to bed early last night and woke up around 10 this morning. It was nice going to bed early.
My husband fixed us all breakfast. Waffles, scrambled eggs and bacon. Breakfast is probably my favorite meal.
After a while I laid down on my son's bed and me and him watched football. I ended up falling asleep but not until we saw MY Cowboys win!
My husband fixed us a turkey dinner tonight. After we ate we all sat around the dinner table and talked about ideas in improving our financial situation. We also talked about how we could improve our clutter and messy home. Our home looks great when we clean and straighten it.
Later on we all played a card game called BS. It is so fun. We laughed so much! It was a great day!
I am now heading off to bed before it is 130 am. This is still earlier than my usual. I usually go to bed around 3 am. I am going to change that. 3 am is way too late!
I hope we can straighten and clean the house tomorrow. I am going to accomplish a few things tomorrow.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

how to make permanent changes?

My job is getting better in some ways. People seem to be doing what they are suppose to be doing. Probably only because I was told that my boss watched the cameras and that our night shift goofs around so I told them. Seems like we never hear we are doing anything right. We only hear the things we are doing wrong. How can we not let this affect our attitude?
I look around my home and every corner practically and every area is cluttered and chaos. How can I change this? I have tried and tried but it always goes back to how it has always been. I don't want to be 47 years old or 80 years old and still feel this way about my life. My surroundings are chaos. My financial areas are chaos. My body is chaos. How to change this?

question for the day....

What does a person's surroundings say about them?

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Went to church today

Me and Michael went to church today. Timmy was so tired that he ended up feeling like he was going to throw up so he went back to bed and to sleep for a few more hours. It would have been so easy for me to go back to bed. But Mike said there wasn't any sense getting dressed and not going. So, I had to go. I couldn't let him down. And I am really glad we went. I think some people missed us. We haven't been for a couple of months. It is just so hard getting up in the morning. It is so much easier to just stay in bed. But to become the person I want to be I need to attend my church meetings. Hopefully, Timmy won't be too tired and we can all go to church next week. He goes off track this week and I am totally looking forward to it. I can sleep in one shift for 8 hours instead of in two shifts! Maybe that will help me! I hope to be able to feel rested and motivated to get our house in order and clean!

First Utah Snow of October 2008

This is what we woke up to today in Utah. October 12, 2008.
It is so pretty! We only had fall weather for a short while though. I hope we get to enjoy more fall weather again before we get cold weather! It was pretty though waking up to it and being able to enjoy it with my family. We watched some Football games and had homemade chili with scones. Yummy!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Attitude and Goals

challengessign.jpg When you set a goal, it is a desire to change. Your desire will be blocked by a number of obstacles but the most important one will be your attitude. Your true, core attitude is determined by your words and the most important words are those you speak to yourself.


I thought Spring was my favorite season but I really like Fall too. Our Utah Mountains are so pretty! It looks like someone hand painted each tree and each color. There are so many different colors. I really want to go up there and take pictures.